Friday, March 11, 2011

Classic & Antique Auto

The interior maintenance of a car can be just as important as the exterior.  Auto Interior Tip 1: Never use detergents, abrasives or petroleum distillates on vinyl interior components. Mild soap and water works well. Tip 2: Mildew bacteria can be killed and cleaned by using a medium soft brush and a 4-to-1 mixture of water and ammonia. Tip 3: Vacuum carpet. For stains, use a cleaner on a soft-bristled brush in circular, overlapping motions. Blot dry.  Tip 4: Apply a stand-alone protector to newly cleaned carpet to help future stains come out easier.  Tip 5: The final step of interior maintenance should be the glass. For best results, use an automotive glass cleaner versus a household ammonia-based one.  Now pray for the sun and nicer weather in order to roll these prized possessions out for the season!